Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Owatonna school district!

I spent all day Friday having the time of my life! Being in the Owatonna school district showed what being Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen is all about! I started off the day at KOWZ 100.9 radio station! It was so much fun! Molly and Craig were so incredibly funny, and made me laugh so many times on and off the air! Now I'm like a pro radio person saying "on and off the air" (: who knows maybe ill be a radio DJ in the future!
Talking with Molly and Craig on the air!

Molly and Craig

I went to the Elementary school and walked in heels up and down all of the hallways and stairs! Lets just say my legs are still VERY sore! It was all worth it though because when I got to all of the classrooms, the kid's faces lit up and suddenly every question in the entire world came to their minds! (: I didn't mind though because most of those questions were hilarious! A few favorites include do you have a king? Are you a real princess? How does your crown stay on your head? Where did you get your dress? Do you live in a castle? A few questions the kids asked me, weren't really questions, they were more like stories that had nothing to do with what I was talking about. BUT I loved them anyways, they were so funny and I love listening to kids try and make sense of things! After visiting 9 classrooms, I (tried) to make my way back to my car! Thank you so much to principle Beth Svenby for letting me come to their school!
talking to some of the kindergartners

Talking with a 4th grade class!

We met up with Val Rose, an amazing woman that was on my South Central OT committee, at the Owatonna high school! I had two sessions with both girls and boys that came from all grades, and backgrounds! I had some students who were so interested and so willing to ask questions and they really enjoyed it, then there were some who say there with blank faces as if I was telling them the history of the encyclopedia. By the end though, I made everyone smile and laugh and that is one of my many goals I have with my platform! Unfortunately, during my first seminar they had a lock down drill! Ill never forget what one of the older young ladies said as we were all rushing into the room, "But Corrina is here, she has weapons! She'll protect us!" And another theory my mom had about why the lock down occurred is because the administrators heard my yells, came to check out what was happening and saw my kamas (karate weapons)! I don't think that's true though, but who knows, maybe it was!(:

Teaching "wrist flicks" to some of the high schoolers
Giving a few more pointers while they were Practicing!

I not only went to the elementary school and high school, but I also went to the local daycare center! Kids Korner is a day care center with kids up to kindergarten! I visited 7 of their classrooms, mostly to visit and I told them 2 easy safety tips. Tell your guardian where you are at all times, but also always have a buddy or trusted adult with you. I got asked some pretty funny questions, and stories just like every little kid wants to ask!
Answering one of the many funny questions asked
Acting silly with the preschoolers! Best class ever(:

To end the night, I was invited to the junior achievement fundraiser at spare time bowling alley in Owatonna! Junior achievement is a program for kids to learn different skills, and lessons to help them for when they are older and independent! I have never heard of the program until they invited me to their fundraiser; but Claire, one of the children involved in the program, told me all about it and she was my teacher for the night, telling me all about the different skills she has now like balancing a check book, and she's in the process of learning how to calculate taxes! What?! I can't even do that! She is one smart girl, and I can already tell she's going to be an amazing young woman!

Well I think that wraps up this weekend but Friday night ill have another short blog posted about my experience of pig dissection! One word, ew! We will see how this goes! Oh and only about 12 days left of my school year, which means we are that much closer to the Miss Minnesota pageant! I'm sad to see Siri go, but at the same time I can't wait to see which lucky woman gets crowned to represent our state! (:
Love Always and Forever,
Your Miss Minnesota's Oustanding Teen 2013,
Corrina Marie Swiggum

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